Öl aus Russland : Tschechien meldet Ausfall der Druschba-Pipeline

Download von www.picturedesk.com am 29.03.2022 (12:45). 05 November 2020, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lubmin: Piping systems and shut-off valves are installed at the gas receiving station of the Nord Stream Baltic Sea pipeline. Later, six and a half million cubic meters of natural gas per hour will be processed here and delivered to downstream pipelines at the right pressure. Originally, the pipeline for natural gas from Russia was scheduled to come on stream at the end of 2019. Almost eight billion euros have already been invested in the pipeline. Currently, 150 of the 2,360-kilometre-long double strand of the German-Russian Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline are still missing. Photo: Jens B?ttner/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB - 20201105_PD13855 - Rechteinfo: Rights Managed (RM)

In Tschechien kommt über den südlichen Strang der Druschba-Pipeline derzeit kein russisches Erdöl mehr an.

- © Jens B?ttner / dpa / picturedesk.com

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In Tschechien kommt über den südlichen Strang der Druschba-Pipeline derzeit kein russisches Erdöl mehr an.

- © Jens B?ttner / dpa / picturedesk.com
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